CQTech Wins First Prize at QHack 2024 Coding Challenge

We are thrilled to announce that our team at Constantine Quantum Technologies (CQTech) has secured the first place at the prestigious QHack 2024 coding hackathon, organized by Xanadu!

QHack is considered among the most competitive and prestigious annual hackathons in the quantum computing field. The challenge was intense, involving 21 quantum programming problems that tested our programmers’ skills, creativity, and endurance. But our team rose to the occasion, solving all challenges in just 48 hours - a full two days ahead of the deadline!

But that’s not all! We are equally proud to share that a second team from CQTech, composed mainly of our talented interns, secured a place in the top 10% of the competition among 700+ participating teams. This achievement is particularly special to us as it highlights the potential and promise of our young talents.

These performances are a testament to the hard work, dedication, and talent of our team. We are incredibly proud of what we have accomplished and excited for what the future holds for CQTech.

Here’s to pushing the boundaries of quantum technologies!

Mohamed Taha Rouabah
Mohamed Taha Rouabah
Associate Professor of Physics

ARISE Fellow, Principal Investigator at Constantine Quantum Technologies, Associate Professor at University of Constantine 1 (Algeria).

Nacer eddine Belaloui
Nacer eddine Belaloui
Ph.D student in Theoretical Physics

PhD student in Theoretical Physics. Working on Cold Atoms and Quantum Computing.